Trudy is the guitar-not the rag doll-get it right guys (this means you, school chums). Mag is actually the rag doll, btw....she has some anger issues, but who wouldn't with that racket?
This is actually a complete exaggeration of what happened with my sister and I one night. She has a guitar, one that she can't play, that she insists on blaring ("pling....pling.....PLING). Needless to say, I was a bit annoyed as well (Megan: "
though I didn't really think about the flamethrower till I was drawing out the comic. So hey! This comic is actually on time! I mean, it's still friday (right?). It actually would've been up sooner for my eager fans (all six of you) if we hadn't realized we hadn't finished watching the Amnesia videos :D (don't know what I'm talking about? Look at the last comic, I'm waaaaay to lazy to leave a link so just go look for it). I've realized there's no way getting around my eager/lazy-ness to upload comics and so I've come to the conclusion that my minimum number of comic uploads will be one a week with my maximum being two (what could possibly go wrong with that? Just watch, eventually my maximum will increase to five, six, or seven). So some time during the week I may upload a bonus comic, but each week I'll definitely upload one on friday (excluding the times that I'll end up uploading on saturdays xD)
So news flash! The next comic has a very childish argument that makes absolutely no sense! (it's actually one we actually had, for the stupidity of it all). Peace out! :D
P.S. Mag, in the first panel, is supposed to have dots all across her dress.....(I sooo didn't forget to ink them in..). I'd noticed it before, but never actually fixed it...perhaps one day I will xD