Even if they clicked on it by accident, it still counts.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bedtime Stories

Most tend not to talk about silly things they do when they're alone...I make comics about it. 

Today I kept finding things to do besides updating.
Oh, I have to do homework!
I have to make my bed!
I have to practice my Trombone!
Jenna's senior pictures? They need editing!
Hmmm..there's still that bridge to jump off of...

I don't know why my sub-conscience finds this so torturous ._.

I got a tablet for my birthday. c:
I could just draw on the computer now.
 I couldn't cheat on pencil and paper.
We're tight like that.

 So, when I make something I tend to go show it off to my Padre. Jenna will tell me what's "wrong with it" and my Madre won't "get it", so he's the only one left over. 
Though, he's never quite enthusiastic with his responses....
One day, while watching this commercial, I told my Padre he had to be more like the mom. Though, "you're so amazing, Megan!" was more of what I was going for. ;)
Today I made a spectacular birthday gift for my cousin (while avoiding ya'll). When I was done, I started showing it off, expecting similar responses that I'd gotten in the past. Apparently he'd been taking notes;
"Oh, cool!"    
"You'll never know."

(I still couldn't stop smiling to myself for an hour)

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