Even if they clicked on it by accident, it still counts.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Productive thinking.

I'm pretty sure they know where I live as well...

Band Camp. 55,665 steps in five days. I'd have more to report, but at this time of day that's about all that I can recall......cherry slushies and p-p-p-poker faces....The heat was bad--humidity too. With asthma and sprained muscles as well..... 
Freshman. I love being able to look down upon them now....There were quite a few "stupid freshman" moments while at CMU. One girl was surprised when her dorm didn't contain a mini bar. Others were disgusted by the quality of the rooms, "this is all that they can afford?!". I, on the other hand, thought the rooms were awesome (then again I don't get out much..). They were like little houses..8D
All of this plus the fall of Edward.

So, Saturday--after getting back from band camp--I had a little episode. Heart beating fast, I shook all over and couldn't seem to stand or even sit up without feeling faint. After stretching out on the hallway floor I'd eventually end up in bed, shivering slightly still until I fell asleep. No idea what happened. Here ends part one of the lame doctor. Part two begins on Monday when my madre called in my inhaler for a refill. The horror began when the nurse suggested we'd come in--not going to refill the script without doing so. Oh! Do I dislike the doctor. No matter what, you always seem to be doing something wrong.... TT_TT  But, anyway...we have to go 7:30pm that day and see a Dr. Larson--a new one for me. Goodness, do I dislike her so. She had no bedside manner whatsoever and towards the end I felt like a drug addict trying to proove that I had asthma. And the episode? Asthma? Heart Murmur? Nawwwwww. Must've been caffeine

Ya'll know about Holly Black right? Famous bestselling author? Well, most people know her for the Spiderwick chronicles..ringing any bells? Well I got to meet her Wednesday. AND she signed my book, White Cat. AND I gave her a hand-made necklace and she called it gorgeous. c: She almost was as geeked as Jenna and I.
Jenna made the sword charm and I the necklace in all. The charms represent some of her books; Tithe, Valiant, and White Cat. 

Guess what. I got out of the house! No, really! And with friends, no doubt. Er..well..a friend. But it was fun, nonetheless. C: 

A Mosquito was trying to get into my pants. Again, I could rephrase but then it'd be no fun. But, the unseen little bugger was unsuccessful. Though I still have a bite on my tummy. Right where my pants can rub against it (because I wear my pants up where they belong! Mostly because I'm too short for my pants to begin with...).  All things aside, it itches. BAD. And I've tried everything (meaning anti-itch cream and band-aids). Though my current set up (cotton swab drenched in vinegar band-aided to the bite) is working pretty well so far....so fingers cross--oh. Never mind.  

I'm going to bed now, night-night. :D

P.s. Lookie, lookie! I finished a comic on time~~ It only took me a couple of months....hmm...er..well....

1 comment:

  1. survival is the name of the game and what does not kill you only makes you stronger...

    yeah...it is saying like this that make me want to strangle people...

    good post, tho, and you did make it thru...loved the line about the mosquito...i told you pigtails were naughty...
