Even if they clicked on it by accident, it still counts.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Coming Soon to a Store Near You.

I know, I'm cheese-y. So, as most of you know (considering all of my current followers know me), I don't swear and /or cuss. And, when one is in high school, it can become frustrating when someone actually is an a** and you can't properly tell them so. These frustrations diminish when I have either of my buddies...uh...volunteer  to do it for me. c: Hence the birth of this ever so cheese-y comic.

So......I KNOW I'M LATE AND I SOWWY. D: One might say "how does this make a difference? You're usually late. You'd think by now you'd have started updating on Saturdays instead" throwing in a "dolt" or "moron" in there, perhaps, as well. But all of those times, I was conscious of the fact that I was late! (because there's so a difference.) Today, I legitimately forgot and it was like

when I eventually realized at noon today. (though, of course, I couldn't have started on it right away). "Tis probably good that I don't have to many followers who are fully committed, otherwise they'd probably want to kill me by now...o,o

 It's been kind of hard to get out of bed this week, actually being fully awake all day as well. It's been a bit awkward going to school, looking dazed, and trying to explain that I'm "not as think as you drunk I am" (or yesterday's "I'm not as god as you drunk I am" :3). Shouldn't the end of the school year be filled with rainbows, glitter, and unicorns? :D Instead of tests, tests, tests. Can I go back to nap time in pre-school now?

Psh. Who am I kidding? We never had nap time.

A couple of weeks ago, in Biology, we were flipping coins and making babies. No, that doesn't sound right, but it'd be absolutely no fun to rephrase it in any way. And, with traits having been flipped for, this is our little Benji:

(I know it's bad quality, though it is a copy. The original went with the teacher).

Ask me how a cocoa-colored boy came from two of the palest kids at school and I wouldn't be able to tell you (Though blue eyed boys, with darker skin, are rather adorable x3)None the less, we wouldn't want our little Benji any other way c:  Thank god, he didn't have a third eye.

Now, how many of you can actually figure this out before getting to the end?

"I'm 20 years old and i can't get a better job than at a fast food place; it's the only place that will hire a high school graduate. I'm socially awkward, and my only co-worker hates me. I'd complain, but my boss only cares about money. I'd leave, but i can't pass my drivers test, or any test I've ever taken. I'm in love with one of my only friends. she's a smart, athletic, gorgeous southern belle. but, I'm stuck in the friend zone. my only other friend is this guy, who I'm pretty sure only talks to me, because he's mentally retarded. and to top it off, i live in a pineapple under the sea."

I was dumbfounded.