Even if they clicked on it by accident, it still counts.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Do YOU like waffles?

Yeah.....so this is a bit of a culture reference (a geeky culture reference at that..xD). Watch the video to understand it better, now do YOU like Waffles? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtlaTNI1TaU). Because of this Jenna (my sister) no longer likes waffles....("Do you like waffles?" "NO!"). Now Leo using the whole "list-off-every-and-any-possible-thing-in-case-he-likes-it-in-order-to-interest-him-into-talking" tactic (one that almost always works on me! :D when given the right combination of words, of course ^^). So, this happened between me and the other shy kid (only, both being shy, it was a lot less abrupt of course). He really likes this song, no one else did, and so I was glad to help him torture the others :D

How many Megans does it take to make a pitcher of Kool-aid? Only one, but she needs to be supervised. I swear the directions for those are in some sort of code that my mind can't comprehend....I think the idiots I go to school with are beginning to rub off on me, which I guess isn't necessarily a bad thing. Their stupidity can be quite entertaining. Like how, when scolded by a teacher, their response is "I didn't do nothing" So, you did something? They can't comprehend the concept of double negatives...(yes, I go to a ghetto school...). A couple of days ago someone also wrote on my folder, crossing out letters to create (what they thought was) an inappropriate word. I wasn't really mad at all I just wrote next to it "Idiots. There's a "t" in "Crotch", learn to spell before vandalizing my stuff again. Thanks! :)"  
Then there was last week, when someone was starting the argument that we could live on without the sun. There were many ways I could end this argument swiftly, though I chose the most obvious one. "Without the sun plants wouldn't be able to take part in photosynthesis and thus wouldn't be able to produce oxygen". Not another word was said. They've also come to believe that Hitler was an ancient emperor of Rome, Disney land is one of the wonders of the world, and Russians don't speak Russian.  

Considering the encyclopedia I put at the end of last week's comic, this is probably it for today (plus I ran out of things to blab about...miracle I know!)  My teachers have told me I write too much, though I hadn't thought much of it 'til I started comic-ing.....Oh! though you all should open the command box on your computer and copy this, exactly, into it: telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
It's Magical! :D 

P.S. click mehhhhh :D How does he move? Do they just kick him?                                 

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